Friday, October 30, 2009

Do you BOO?

Holiday traditions are my favorite!  Years ago when I was teaching, many of my families participated in an activity they referred to as "spooking" or "booing."  The idea was new to me, but I thought it was a great way to build community.  Since I no longer teach, I've carried the tradition over to my nieces and nephew.  Here are the steps...

1.  Create a fun holiday treat (see a picture of mine below).
2.  Cut out a ghost (which you attach to the door).
3.  Write out the poem (below).
4.  Drive to the house of the person you want to "spook."
5.  Quietly place your treat on the front stoop (with the poem underneath) and tape your ghost to the door.
6.  Ring the doorbell and run!

I enjoy listening and watching the kids from the bushes, so I typically hide close enough that I can watch!

The air is cool, the season is fall,
Soon Halloween will come to all.
Ghosts and goblins, spooks galore...
Tricky witches at your door.

The spooks are after things to do,
In fact, a spook brought this "BOO" to you.

The excitement comes when friends like you,
Copy this note and make it two.

We'll all have smiles on our faces,
When we see who Boo'd who's places.

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Blog

As you can tell, I have a new blog.  I have a complete fascination with peacocks...well not the actual animal but the gorgeous feathers.  So, I decided to update and officially begin with a blank slate.  I have numerous posts bouncing around in my head, and I'm ready to begin.  So, this is it...I'm sticking with this blog.  There will be no updating, moving blogs, etc.  I'm here to stay.  Welcome to the Persnickety Peacock...