Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sewing Machine Sadness

Sadly, the day has come.  I broke my sewing first ever machine!  Do you hear the angst in my voice?  I cannot believe it.  I took it into my local sewing shop, and it is $89.95 for the technician to even take a look at it (the older women that work at the store took a peek, but they weren't able to fix it).  Considering I only spent $100 on it, I decided to bring it back home and lay it to rest.  

So, I need your help.  I want to get a new one, and now that I know how to sew I'm willing to spend a little more.  

What are your recommendations?
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  1. Oh No! RIP, Brother. Today I bought my very first sewing machine, which looks to be the same as the one you have pictured there. I hope it had a good run. Good luck finding a replacement!

  2. Boy, I am the last one to give advice on which one to buy, I have one, but my sklls are very limited. Just about any one would do for me.
    Good Luck.


  3. Well, I have my mother's Huskvarna Viking machine. It's got to be 40 years old. I love mine. My sewing machine man loves it too. I'm planning to buy a new serger. I looked into the Brother and it had rave reviews! Maybe Brother is a good brand. When I had my machines serviced, the man said my plain Singer was a great machine too. Good luck, and thanks for coming by to follow. You'll have over 100 followers before you know it.

  4. I also have a Husqvarna Viking and I love it. If you go to a sewing machine store (like a "Sew and Vac") for your new purchase, remember that prices are negotiable so be sure to do some wheelin' and dealin'!

  5. I love my Viking and I know several other that do as well. Mine is 10 yrs old and has several miles on it. I do blow it out on a regular basis which I think helps.
