Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Year of the Handmade Gift

If you recall, I decided this year I would MAKE all of the gifts I give.  Well, I've made it for several months without having to give any gifts.  However, the time has finally come.  

Several weeks ago, I received an adorable hand-designed postcard for a "postcard baby shower."  One of my college friends and his wife currently live in California and are expecting their first baby in March.  Because of the distance, several of the mother-to-be's sorority sisters came up with a fantastic idea.  They decided the new parents would be delighted to receive well wishes from friends around the country.  

So, I put together a set of three handmade and decorated diapers to include with my postcard.  I love the fabric, and I think it is perfect for a sweet new baby girl.

Lately, I've become extremely interested in making gifts look more personal and fun with ribbons, tags, and wrapping.  So, I used some wire ribbon and my mom's fantastic teaching and created this adorable hot pink beauty with the addition of my calling card.

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